Since 2004 Read Brothers Ltd has partnered with Wolf System to use the easi-joist system, making us the most experienced users of the system in East Anglia.
As market leaders in timber engineering, it was natural that Read Brothers Ltd wanted to utilise the open metal web floor beam design of easi-joist® to the full, to offer what we would consider to be the best floor system available to our customers.
There are many benefits of the easi-joist® system for example:
The open web design enables easy access for all plumbing, electrical and air conditioning services.
easi-joist® are able to span further than traditional timber joists and with less deflection.
The system is far lighter than traditional timber joists making them easier and safer to fit.
Every job is individually designed and made to measure. Practically no carpentry work required on site, greatly reducing time and labour costs.
Our easi-joist® designers are able to advise and liase with every customer to tailor to any individual requirements on each specific job and therefore can offer the best and most cost effective solution.
Read Brothers Ltd have recommended easi-joist® to every one of their existing customers, confident that they would immediately see the advantages. We believe this has indeed turned out to be the case and as far as we are aware, none of our customers that have tried easi-joist® have gone back to using their previous or any other system.